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Bone Cancer, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
1:58 Causes of Bone Cancer
2:26 Symptoms of Bone Cancer
2:45 Diagnosis of Bone Cancer
4:13 Treatment of Bone Cancer

A bone tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in bone, traditionally classified as noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant).[1][4] Cancerous bone tumors usually originate from a cancer in another part of the body such as from lung, breast, thyroid, kidney and prostate.[1] There may be a lump, pain, or neurological signs from pressure.[1] A bone tumor might present with a pathologic fracture.[1] Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, anemia and nausea.[2][3] Sometimes there are no symptoms and the tumour is found when investigating another problem.[2][3]

Diagnosis is generally by X-ray and other radiological tests such as CT scan, MRI, PET scan and bone scintigraphy.[1] Blood tests might include a complete blood count, inflammatory markers, serum electrophoresis, PSA, kidney function and liver function.[1] Urine may be sent for Bence Jones protein.[1] For confirmation of diagnosis, a biopsy for histological evaluation might be required.[1]

The most common bone tumor is a non-ossifying fibroma.[4] Average five-year survival in the United States after being diagnosed with bone and joint cancer is 67%.[5] The earliest known bone tumor was an osteosarcoma in a foot bone discovered in South Africa, between 1.6 and 1.8 million years ago.[6]

My antidote for stress | Hidde de Vries | TEDxDelftSalon

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Hidde de Vries was running a successful communication and public relations company, when he suffered from a burnout. He went on a search for a way to deal with workstress, but was surprised by how little he found that would help. And so, determined to find an effective way to deal with burnouts, went in search of the antidote.

Throughout his career Hidde de Vries has had strong ties to the field of communication and marketing, eventually leading to him starting his own agency. Since then he has started working for Google. He also set up another company, 7 day recharge, which focusses on helping people find balance between their work and private lives.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Too much stress can have serious consequences—both for you and those around you. Luckily, VA provides a number effective ways to help Veterans better manage stress and stay healthy.
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Symptoms of lung cancer

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Knowing the key symptoms of lung cancer are can help find it early and mean treatment is more likely to be successful. These symptoms can be caused by something much less serious than cancer. But they could be cancer so see your GP if you have any of them. They include a persistent cough or a change in a cough, shortness of breath and blood in phlegm.Find out more

Cancer, early warning signs

Cancer, early warning signs

Any unexplained bleeding

Haematuria, any blood in the urine is abnormal, frank or occult

Females, check again in 2 weeks


Blood in sputum

Melaena / PR

Again, frank or occult

PV, between periods, after sex post menopause

(no matter how much blood or what colour it is)




Usually indicate infection

Tumours distort and block normal anatomy

Chest infections

Chronic cough




Change in bowel or bladder habits

Changes in defecation, frequency, consistency, constipation, diarrhoea, shape, colour, mucous

Colour, dark or pale (head of pancreas)


Dark urine

Abdominal bloating or swelling

Persistent heart burn / indigestion

Persistent bloating, anorexia

Changes in bladder emptying habits


Thickening of tissue or a lump

Tumours near body surface

(Breast, testicular)

Swollen lymph nodes

Nagging cough or hoarseness

Lung, laryngeal cancer, thyroid

A sore / wound which does not heal

Malignant ulceration

Lesion getting bigger

Increasing pain

Unexpected bleeding

Basal cell carcinoma (rodent ulcer)

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs)

New mole or changes to a mole

Mouth or tongue ulcer (more than 3 weeks)

Obvious change in a wart or mole

A, asymmetry

B, borders

C, colour

D, more than 6mm or increasing

E, elevation

Malignant melanoma may demonstrate all of the above features.

Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

Feeling of pressure, throat or chest

Dysphagia, oesophagus or fundus of the stomach.


Night sweats or fever


Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained pains or ache

New blood clots, deep venous thrombosis

Bone pain

Intercurrent infection

Cancer research UK

What is normal for you, is this a change?

Lasting longer

Can Stress Actually Kill You?

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Should you stress about stress?
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Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

Further Reading:

Social Hierarchy and Health



Social Support and Stress

6 Silent Signs Stress Is Killing You

How are you managing stress lately? Stress is described as the feeling of either emotional or physical tension. Stress is the body’s reaction when faced with challenges and can be positive for a short burst, as it will help you avoid danger or meet deadlines. But feeling stress constantly long-term can be very dangerous because of how easily stress can become a part of your daily life. In this video, we’ll be talking about the silent stress signs that are killing you slowly.

We also made a video on the stress signs you shouldn’t ignore:

Writer: Xinyi
Script Editor: Riley Lin
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Ashimi (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Ayuda, T., 2020. 18 Silent Signs Your Stress Is Harming Your Health. [online] Best Life. Available at:[Accessed 8 December 2020].

Jung, A., 2017. 8 Silent Signs Stress Is Making You Sick. [online] Business Insider. Available at:[Accessed 8 December 2020].

Levine, S., 2020. 8 Silent Signs Of Stress You Might Be Ignoring. [online] Shanna Levine Goals Healthcare. Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2020].

MedlinePlus, 2020. Stress And Your Health. [online] MedlinePlus. Available at:,danger%20or%20meet%20a%20deadline. [Accessed 8 December 2020].

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“C. diff” – How It Spreads, Symptoms & Prevention

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“C. diff” - How It Spreads, Symptoms & Prevention

Physicians with the Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases – specialists in diagnosing and treating infections – discuss a common health care associated infection called Clostridium difficile or “C. diff.”

C. diff can be a serious infection that causes symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. It’s linked to an estimated 14,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. The infection most commonly affects people staying in a hospital or long-term health care facility and usually occurs after the use of antibiotics.

To reach our Beacon Center, call 303-415-8850. For more information, visit…

Dr. Freda Lewis- Hall, Pfizer’s Chief Patient Officer discusses C. difficile, a highly contagious bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from stomach pain and diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. For more information visit:
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The Effects of Hyperglycemia on the Immune System

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Developed and produced for, a CME resource for physicians and healthcare providers.

Animation Description: Under normal circumstances, bacterial infection results in the release of chemokines that attract circulating neutrophils to the endothelium. This process is known as chemotaxis.

A variety of molecules are expressed on the endothelial cell surface that allow the neutrophil to be captured, then roll along the endothelium, then adhere.

Following adherence, the neutrophil migrates into the subendothelial tissue to reach the site of infection.

The neutrophil engulfs the bacteria and eliminates them via breakdown within the phagosomes — a process known as phagocytosis.

In states of hyperglycemia, chemotaxis is reduced. Adherence is also adversely affected.
Phagocytosis is also impaired by hyperglycemia.

Hyperglycemia also adversely affects the macrophage system. Under normal circumstances, circulating monocytes are attracted to sites of infection, roll, adhere, and then migrate into the subendothelial space. The monocyte then transforms into a macrophage.

which is then activated by cytokines released by the bacteria. The activated macrophage then engulfs the bacteria.

However, hyperglycemia results in decreased activation of macrophages, thereby arresting the process of macrophage phagocytosis of bacteria.

In addition to affecting neutrophil and macrophage function, hyperglycemia also affects the complement cascade. Under situations of normal glycemia, bacteria can activate the complement cascade.

Activation of the complement cascade results in the formation of transmembrane protein channels known as membrane attack complex (MAC) in bacterial membrane.

Membrane attack complexes make the bacterial membrane porous and the rapid influx of fluid results in the bacterial cell death.

Hyperglycemia inhibits the proper activation of the complement cascade, thereby reducing another pathway of the immune system.

Stress lavoro-correlato: cos'è e come difendersi

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Stress lavoro-correlato: cos'è e come difendersi

In questo breve video illustriamo le particolarità di un fenomeno disfunzionale già sperimentato, da chi lavora, almeno una volta: si tratta dello stress correlato al lavoro, che va adeguatamente gestito per evitare conseguenze pesanti. Forniamo anche indicazioni utili su come prevenirlo e come tutelarsi.

Stress Lavoro Correlato: quali sono i sintomi?

Stress Lavoro Correlato:
1_Che cos’è lo Stress Lavoro Correlato?
2_Quali sono i sintomi dello Stress Lavoro Correlato?
3_In che modo la psicoterapia può essere d’aiuto?

La Dott. ssa Selene Anna Paolo, psicologa e psicoterapeuta online ci fornisce una spiegazione breve e immediata su questo disturbo.

Per prenotare la tua terapia:
Prenota la Terapia, il Primo colloquio è GRATUITO!
Video Rating: / 5

Autoimmune Diseases – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More…

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Your body’s immune system protects you from disease and infection. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body.

No one is sure what causes autoimmune diseases. They do tend to run in families. Women – particularly African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native-American women – have a higher risk for some autoimmune diseases.

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, and some have similar symptoms. This makes it hard for your health care provider to know if you really have one of these diseases, and if so, which one. Getting a diagnosis can be frustrating and stressful. Often, the first symptoms are fatigue, muscle aches and a low fever. The classic sign of an autoimmune disease is inflammation, which can cause redness, heat, pain and swelling.

The diseases may also have flare-ups, when they get worse, and remissions, when symptoms get better or disappear. Treatment depends on the disease, but in most cases one important goal is to reduce inflammation. Sometimes doctors prescribe corticosteroids or other drugs that reduce your immune response.
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How Does Hepatitis C Make You Feel? Hepatitis C Symptoms

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The virus that causes hepatitis C (known as HCV) spreads through contaminated blood and causes dangerous inflammation in the liver. However, about half the people who have hepatitis C don’t even know it, so they feel relatively healthy. Symptoms can take years to appear after the infection actually begins. Eventually, liver inflammation from hepatitis C does enough damage to the liver to cause the signs and symptoms described in this video.

Have you, or someone you know, ever had hepatitis. What were the symptoms? Feel free to comment below.👇

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Here are some other videos and websites that tell you more about how hepatitis C makes you feel.

How Contagious Is Hepatitis C? Who’s Most Likely To Get It?

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic,two%20weeks%20to%20three%20months.

How Does Hepatitis C Make You Feel, hepatitis C virus, HCV, liver inflammation, abdominal pain, jaundice, itchy skin, Can Hep C affect your mood, What does hep C pain feel like, hep c

Hepatitis C also referred to as #HCV, is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation which can sometimes lead to serious #liver damage. The virus can be spread through the blood of someone who has #hepatitis C and more often than not, you may experience no symptoms; however, if signs do appear they usually include #fatigue, poor appetite, or flu-like symptoms.

In this video, Dr. Rowley will cover this virus in detail including symptoms of hepatitis C and the hepatitis C #test. To navigate to specific points in the video, see below:

0:10 – What is hepatitis C?
0:30 – How is hepatitis C transmitted?
1:26 – Hepatitis C, symptoms, and complications?
2:11 – What is the test for hepatitis B?
2:50 – How to get tested?

If you are experiencing symptoms of hepatitis C or suspect that you may have contracted the virus, it’s important to find out more. You can now test for hepatitis C from home with LetsGetChecked’s range of at-home STD tests including our Hepatitis B and C Test. This discreet STD testing option offers online results on your personalized dashboard within 2-5 days and our dedicated medical team will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Home Hepatitis B and C Test:
Home Hepatitis B Test:

To find out more about hepatitis B and other common STDs, check out our blog:

What is Hepatitis? The Difference Between Hepatitis B and C:
What are Viral STDs? The Four H’s and How to Get Checked:
Four Steps to Prevent Getting or Spreading STDs:

LetsGetChecked is a virtual care company that allows customers to manage their health from home, providing direct access to #telehealth services, #pharmacy, and laboratory tests with at-home sample collection kits for a wide range of health conditions including Sexual Health, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Thyroid, Coronavirus (COVID-19), and more.

To learn more visit:
Our Blog:
Biometric Screening for Organizations:
Solutions for Health Plans:

5 Fast Ways to Fix Your Headache! Dr. Mandell

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What is Causing Your Headaches?

Check out Brilliant and get 20% off!!


What is Causing Your Headaches?


In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses the different types and causes of primary headaches, including tension, migraine, and cluster headaches. This also includes potential treatment options.


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Video Timeline

00:00 – 00:40 Intro
00:41 – 01:49 Primary Headache vs Secondary Headache
01:50 – 03:11 Symptoms of a Tension Type Headache
03:12 – 04:49 Why Muscles Were Originally Blamed for Tension Headaches
04:50 – 06:09 Where The Pain is Coming From
06:10 – 06:43 Do We Know What is Causing/Triggering the Pain?
06:44 – 08:06 How Do You Treat Tension Type Headaches
08:07 – 08:50 Symptoms of a Migraine
08:51 – 10:30 The 4 Phases of a Migraine
10:31 – 11:37 Causes of the Migraine & The Trigeminal Nerve
11:38 – 12:32 Common Locations of a Migraine Headache
12:33 – 13:28 Treatment of a Migraine
13:29 – 14:17 Possible Causes of a Cluster Headache
14:18 – 15:21 Symptoms of a Cluster Headache
15:22 – 15:48 The “cluster” in Cluster Headaches
15:49 – 16:58 Treatment of a Cluster Headache
16:59 – 18:35 Becoming More “Brilliant”!!


Audio Credit:


#Brilliant #Headaches #Anatomy
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