Exercise, Stress, and the Brain
health October 13th. 2019, 10:34pmDr. Paul Thompson talks about how imaging has revealed the positive effects of exercise on the brain as well as the detrimental effects of stress and cortisol on the brain.
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Photos courtesy of: LONI, the Human Connectome Project
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This video is intended to spread awareness about the long-term effects of stress. Everyone experiences stress everyday, it can come from any source. Some examples include emotional, physical or job related stress. Stress is our body’s primitive way of responding to any kind of internal or external demand or threat. The short-term effects of stress may not be serious but prolonged exposure to stress can lead to very serious long-term effects on the body.
Thus, this video will be outlining the some of the long-term effects on the body such as an increase in heart attacks, obesity and development of diabetes. This video will also be discussing the three stress hormones; cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Cortisol, which is the major stress hormone, is released from the adrenal cortex. Epinephrine which is also referred to as adrenaline and norepinephrine, referred to as noradrenaline are released from the adrenal medulla.
This video was made by 4DM3 students Vyshnavi Mahendran, Tamandeep Khangura, Humaira Nakhuda, Mateen Akhtar and Andrew Nashed.
Copyright McMaster University 2016
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