Archive for the tag: Cancer

Bone Cancer, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
1:58 Causes of Bone Cancer
2:26 Symptoms of Bone Cancer
2:45 Diagnosis of Bone Cancer
4:13 Treatment of Bone Cancer

A bone tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in bone, traditionally classified as noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant).[1][4] Cancerous bone tumors usually originate from a cancer in another part of the body such as from lung, breast, thyroid, kidney and prostate.[1] There may be a lump, pain, or neurological signs from pressure.[1] A bone tumor might present with a pathologic fracture.[1] Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, anemia and nausea.[2][3] Sometimes there are no symptoms and the tumour is found when investigating another problem.[2][3]

Diagnosis is generally by X-ray and other radiological tests such as CT scan, MRI, PET scan and bone scintigraphy.[1] Blood tests might include a complete blood count, inflammatory markers, serum electrophoresis, PSA, kidney function and liver function.[1] Urine may be sent for Bence Jones protein.[1] For confirmation of diagnosis, a biopsy for histological evaluation might be required.[1]

The most common bone tumor is a non-ossifying fibroma.[4] Average five-year survival in the United States after being diagnosed with bone and joint cancer is 67%.[5] The earliest known bone tumor was an osteosarcoma in a foot bone discovered in South Africa, between 1.6 and 1.8 million years ago.[6]

Symptoms of lung cancer

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Knowing the key symptoms of lung cancer are can help find it early and mean treatment is more likely to be successful. These symptoms can be caused by something much less serious than cancer. But they could be cancer so see your GP if you have any of them. They include a persistent cough or a change in a cough, shortness of breath and blood in phlegm.Find out more

Cancer, early warning signs

Cancer, early warning signs

Any unexplained bleeding

Haematuria, any blood in the urine is abnormal, frank or occult

Females, check again in 2 weeks


Blood in sputum

Melaena / PR

Again, frank or occult

PV, between periods, after sex post menopause

(no matter how much blood or what colour it is)




Usually indicate infection

Tumours distort and block normal anatomy

Chest infections

Chronic cough




Change in bowel or bladder habits

Changes in defecation, frequency, consistency, constipation, diarrhoea, shape, colour, mucous

Colour, dark or pale (head of pancreas)


Dark urine

Abdominal bloating or swelling

Persistent heart burn / indigestion

Persistent bloating, anorexia

Changes in bladder emptying habits


Thickening of tissue or a lump

Tumours near body surface

(Breast, testicular)

Swollen lymph nodes

Nagging cough or hoarseness

Lung, laryngeal cancer, thyroid

A sore / wound which does not heal

Malignant ulceration

Lesion getting bigger

Increasing pain

Unexpected bleeding

Basal cell carcinoma (rodent ulcer)

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs)

New mole or changes to a mole

Mouth or tongue ulcer (more than 3 weeks)

Obvious change in a wart or mole

A, asymmetry

B, borders

C, colour

D, more than 6mm or increasing

E, elevation

Malignant melanoma may demonstrate all of the above features.

Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

Feeling of pressure, throat or chest

Dysphagia, oesophagus or fundus of the stomach.


Night sweats or fever


Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained pains or ache

New blood clots, deep venous thrombosis

Bone pain

Intercurrent infection

Cancer research UK

What is normal for you, is this a change?

Lasting longer

Is It A Tension Headache or Possible Brain Cancer? Simple 20 Second Test

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“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present: Is It A Tension Headache or Possible Brain Cancer? Simple 20 Second

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How to get rid of a headache fast? What’s the best headache relief? What actually causes headaches? The main factors are severe stress, fatigue, sinusitis, poor posture, water loss, dehydration, and holding the head in an improper position for a long time.

In some cases, we can solve this pesky problem by ourselves, yet sometimes we should see a doctor immediately. Here’s a detailed guide to help you identify the type of a headache you have as well as the best strategy for pain relief.

#headache #painrelief #stressreduce

This is the most frequent type of headaches. The main symptoms:
• You feel like you’re wearing a tight band around your forehead.
• You feel spasms around your eyes and upper forehead.
• You feel a dull gnawing pain.

This type of a headache is caused by sinusitis. The main symptoms:
• You feel pain in your forehead around the eyebrows and under the eyes.
• This headache might lead to a running or blocked nose.
• You feel tired and weak.

All symptoms occur during a migraine attack that progresses through four stages:
• Prodrome (1 to 2 days). You feel irritable, fatigued and have an increased or decreased appetite.
• Aura (up to 30 mins). You become sensitive to light, feel tingling and numbness, and might have speech disorders.
• Resolution (up to 24 hours). You feel fatigued and have trouble concentrating.
• A headache itself (up to 72 hours). You feel severe throbbing pain.

Cluster headaches affect less than 1% of the population. The main symptoms:
• Redness of the eyes
• Sensitivity to light
• Lacrimation

Alcohol causes blood vessel dilation and affects serotonin levels in your body. The main symptoms:
• Throbbing or dull aching pain
• Tightness
• Heaviness

– A tension headache: take any appropriate painkiller, but you should only use them occasionally. If headaches occur frequently, consult your doctor. Try to be physically active.
– A sinus headache: it rarely goes away on their own. If you have an allergy, antihistamines may help. In other cases, it’s best to see a doctor who will most probably prescribe antibiotics.
– Migraine: a number of treatments are available to help ease the symptoms. Moreover, regular exercise will help you improve your health significantly.
– A cluster headache: treating it can be tricky because the pain appears and disappears spontaneously and at a moment’s notice. Only a doctor can help you solve this problem.
– Hangover: the best remedy is to take a painkiller, drink plenty of water, and get some good sleep.

We hope you will never experience any of these headaches, but if you get one of them it’s better to consult a doctor before taking any medicines. Do not self-medicate!

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